Finding Summary - What do you need post COVID-19?


An InterSME online workshop was organised to allow Start-ups, Small Businesses and Medium sized enterprises based in Hong Kong, that are members of the events Organising or Supporting Chambers of Commerce, to be heard and express their opinions through a facilitated workshop in response to the following question: 

As an SME or Start-up based in Hong Kong, what do you need from your Chamber of Commerce and the Government to help you recover and prosper after COVID-19?

which was posed to all event participants.

This document summarises the topics and opinions that were raised, discussed, and presented during the facilitated workshops.

The information is being shared with all participating Chambers of Commerce and is shared on an “as-is” basis. We hope that the ideas will stimulate further discussion within each chamber community, and potentially form the basis of chamber programs or submissions to government.

The information contained in this document does not represent the views or opinions of the facilitators, organising chamber, nor the supporting chambers.